Case 1
Correction of an anterior open bite caused by a previous digit habit.
Case 2
Narrow upper jaw, high canines, and crowding treated without palatal expansion or extractions.
Case 3
Space closure with Invisalign Teen. Treatment was completed in just 5 appointments.
Case 4
Anterior crowding and mild overbite treated with Invisalign Teen in 8 appointments. Aligners are great with pushing (i.e. intrusion) and struggle with pulling movements (i.e. extrusion), particularly with blade-shaped incisors. The force system had to be carefully designed to get the desired movement.
Case 5
Interceptive phase of palatal expansion to correct the narrow upper jaw and crossbites. Note the traumatic effect of the bite on the lower gingival tissue.
Case 6
Adult non-surgical treatment of a significant open bite. This patient was only biting on two back teeth and was told by several orthodontists that surgery would be needed for an ideal correction. Conservative treatment with temporary anchorage devices (TAD's) and careful arch coordination was all that was needed.
Case 7
Reduction of overbite with excessive anterior overlap and a bite that is a full-step off (the width of one posterior tooth) without headgear or extractions. The Carriere Appliance was used for 4 months before braces were placed.
* Smiles were transformed by Dr. Murdoch